There is no ‘Can’ or ‘Can’t’, just ‘Do’ or ‘Don’t’.
If you ever think to yourself ‘I can’t do it’, try this as the next thought in your brain region: ‘Bullshit. Why not?’
If it’s been done before by anyone who is also a human person like you, it can be done by you too.
Achievement’s a question of attitude, not possibility
As the ancient Japanese proverb above says, there’s no can or can’t. The only thing that decides whether something possible or impossible is attitude.¹
What’s stopping you is not whether it can or can’t be done, it’s if you really want it (and why).
Sidenote: Cheers to Verbling Japanese teacher Eiji for his help on this, and to my girlfriend for explaining it to me. Whoever this was and whenever it was, they nailed it.
¹ You know, exept for like, twirling a mid-sized car on your pinkie like a basketball or jumping off the balcony, flapping your arms and yelling, ‘I can fly I can fly’ and actually doing it.