This is part two of a Deep Dive into true love songs. Those songs that aren’t just made of the fairy floss euphoria one person […]
A Deep Dive into: Love [pt.8] – Is true love about admiration (of a friend)? + The [super fucking cool] Philosophy of: ‘Being just good friends’
This is a deep dive into the one word that may be more confused or have a greater subjective meaning than any other in the […]
Our time is short – The philosophy of Jason Mraz, Gang of Youths and Seneca
Some men, indeed, only begin to live when it is time for them to leave off living. And if this seems surprising to you, I […]
Whenever you feel flat or not like yourself, what do you do to bring yourself back? – The Philosophy of: Jason Mraz (and the joys of the small pleasures)
Listening to songs that you did at happy times might bring you back to it. Looking at old photos of times where you most felt the […]
Could death possibly be a boat? – On the absurdity of: Death and the absurd but brilliant philosophy of: Rosencrantz & Guildernstern [pt.4]
This is part 4 in a series on the absurd but brilliant philosophy of Rosencrantz and Guildernstern in Rosencrantz & Guildernstern are Dead. Here’s the rest, […]
The past can be an indicator of the present (and future) but your expectations of what’s going to happen (in the future) are entirely within your control (though they have little, or no, outcome on what actually happens.) – The (absurd but brilliant) Philosophy of: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern [pt.3] – The coin toss
Get a coin. Flip it. What was it? Head or tails? Okay, now do it again. And again. Now, those previous flips have an effect […]
Do you ever think of yourself of not having been born? Of course not, right? Because how could you imagine yourself as not been born? You wouldn’t know you hadn’t been born. It’s absurd to think about. Which is also why I don’t think about it. – Inspired by the absurd but brilliant philosophy (and wisdom) of: Rosencrantz and Guildernstern [pt.2]
This is part 2 of the absurdist but brilliant philosophy of Rosencrantz and Guildernstern… here’s part 1. All the medical progress that’s been made over […]
Do you ever think of yourself as dead, lying in a box? Would you rather be dead lying in a box, or alive and in a box? Well, for one, if you choose dead in a box, you won’t even know what you’ve chosen, since you’re dead. Oh, and is life in a box better than no life at all? – The Philosophy of: Rosencrantz & Guilderstern (On the Absurdity of: Death, and our futile attempt to understand it)
We don’t understand death. It confuses the shit out of us. And by the very definition of life, in which it can not co-exist with […]
‘For some idiotic reason, your most horrific experiences are the stories you most love to tell’ – The Philosophy of Xavier in The Spanish Apartment.
Think back to the things that happened to you that seemed disastrous at the time, but now you look back at and laugh at. Outside […]
Is a life where you’re totally present in the moment a meaningless one?/The difficulty of living in the present & The Philosophy of: Frida Kahlo [pt.4]
In your life, do you constantly vacillate between thinking about the past, the future, all the while trying to enjoy the moment? Well is it […]