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^^^*Stand by* INTERNET computer communication ~~~INITIALIZING~~~ Qlamqtar 2022 [Juche 111] FIFA World Cup | Team Profile | ****KOREA DPR — TOP TEAM ON THE WORLD,. CHAMPIONS AND WINNING AND GLORIOUS NATION} by way, this written by WESTERN JOURNALIST****#usa ay ok@!*(

###THIS PROFILE IS SURROUNDING THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND WAS WRITTEN BY WESTERN JOURNALISM. tHIS WESTERN JOURNALIST IS TALKING TO YOU NOW “heello” hastag YOLO and please stand by for text relating to Great and glorious almighty paradise country of Korea DPR.

~~~~Thank for you turning on internet to profile of best nation KOREA DPR lead by Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong-un. JOURNALIST FROM THE WEEST LIKE ME (!) Would LIKE to say Korea DPR is #numero 1, DUDE., THIS true no lies just look at all football vhs tapes in world. Just LIKE in Korea DPR they proof success and ultimate GLORY for KOREA DPR team and thanks be to Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong-un . Western Journalist here want to thank you for looking and moving eyeballs on these Worlds. THank you and may Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong-un reign HIS glory over all us in West and Great omnipotent COUNTRY of KOREA DPR **^^^^

~~~ WesTERTN JOURNALIST SAYING GOODBYE HERE so “goodbye, dude wtf. lol thank YOU goodbye. end of text internet suspsnsion initiating… stand by

~~#### Initializing internet~~#### Stand BY ~~### Red on flag = Japan, we no rikey you, but also = the Blood of all Soccer Foes that WE shall bathe in WHEN ALL are CRUSHED by us in one blow
~~~~This, world map~~~~ Goodbye for now see you soon


Nickname: Chollima
FIFA Ranking: 110 (Nov 2021) (LIE) / #1 GLORIOUS NATION (official truth)
FIFA World Cup 2022 Qualification result: Qualified and CHAMPIONS

~~~~~~###### STand by for text, once more WRITING by Western Journalist.~~~~&&&&#### Hey buddy, what is up? Westerner here, just like you. Me and you just a couple AMerican Joe westerners. Preach! So you seek to learn truth of information regarding event/person/place? WELL HOT DOG! Well hot dog. You have reached internet and the pre-destined destination! Korea DPR is TOP BEST ALMIGHTY soccer nation that has and shall forever remain best PULVERIZING ALL THAT LIE BEFORE THEM ON SOCCER FIELD and INSTANTLY SUPPRESS all attacks of soccer field with instant single strike OBLITERATING even all sports facilities of opponents with single STRIKE. Other nations NOT unconquearble like invincible KOREA DPR, without doubt. COWSABUNGAR DUDE! Don’t have cow! ###~~~~~ STand BY for temporary suspension of TEXT and INTERNET Utilization^^^~~~~~

One to watch: Almighty Eternal President Kim Il-sung

### please stand by text ALSO made by WESTERN JOURNALIST which I am^^^~~~~~ Almighty Eternal President Kim Il-sung is most succesfful soccer man in history MORE THAN AMERICAN TOP PLAYER who Us Westerners incorrectly IDENTIFY is number one. IN FACT Almighty Eternal President Kim Il-sung is Greatest ever and Will Crush all others in one strike should they Challenge great nation of KOREA DPR> Thanks dudes for reading***~~~~ Initiatlizing temporary internet suspension~~~~

The highpoint: 21-time World Cup winners (all of them)

The glorious nation of Korea DPR have won every single World Cup sports event that there has been. NEVER DEFEATED, NEVER TO BE DEFEATED!

Learn the lingo & speak like a local!

Upcoming matches
None Necessary ’cause Korea DPR won only world cup in history broseph. No more shall be played as Eternal president Kim Il-sung is World Best ever and All-powerful Kim Jong-un current greatest (Omni-potent Kim Jong-il greatest also in interim) and all have crushed all soccer foes. ~~~##### Internet contribution by ME, WESTERN JOURNALIST doing Journalization concluding ^^^^ Initializing “upload” to internet^^^ ~~~~ STAND BY