Hello, how are you I am fine thank you, and you? I am live in Espain now for 5 years and I like share my brain thinkings […]
The Philosophy of: Philosophy – It’s not about studying it; it’s about living it.
Learning how to live life matters shit if you don’t actually live it. You can read all the books you want, all the great wisdom from […]
What makes us human? (+ The philosophy of On Wonder – All We Do)
That’s the thing about being human. That our capability and potential is huge. And being human means we should channel it in a way that […]
As soon as you have something or someone valuable in your life, prepare to lose them. Because you will, you have to, but that’s a healthy thing.
Epictetus once placed an iron lamp in his home next to his household gods (valuables). He heard a noise at the door and next thing […]
The Philosophy of: Jeff Buckley
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times, Compared to the man with a satisfied mind. (from Satisfied Mind) This is not the most well-known cover that Jeff […]
Crank the cold for the easiest exercise in gratitude
I’ve written about gratitude on this blog more than I have my love for Snufkin or my hate for Murphy’s Law – Here, here, here, here, here, here, oh and […]
A great lesson I learned from one of the greats (Tzwika)
The people we meet all make and shape the person who we are. And the most inspirational and virtuous ones are ideally the ones we […]
Are you invincible? If you think it, you are.
If you think to yourself ‘I’m invincible’, what’s to say it’s not true? Whatever you think about yourself, it’s true. But I’m not saying in terms […]
Exercise in Gratitude #3 – Being able to use your eyeballs to look at stuff
If you can read this, you are fortunate to have something that millions of people don’t have around the world – eyesight. And you’re breathing. […]
The stars have seen it all
In the good times or bad, go out at night and just look up. The stars have seen everything –all the problems, failures, milestones and […]
Even the worst things in life can get spun positively…
…depending on how strong you are. Yesterday I randomly had a chat with a dude I met while teaching a class at the library. He’s […]