Hello, how are you I am fine thank you, and you? I am fine. I am live in Espain now for almost 6 years and I like share my brain thinkings with you, of the lives in Espain, no?
Hello my friends on global internet world! Today I want talk to you abuot David Lynch. Mr Lynch dead last week so perfect time to honorate him and shout on each other and how amazing and impacting and good this man’s work was.
Only last week I never see one David Lynch movies. But he hero of my hero, best writer of generation, David Foster Wallace, who write number 1 essay on mind brain of David Lynch, called “””DAVID LYNCH KEEPS HIS HEAD””” you read it. It explain you Lych and also explain you Wallace and why he wrote Infitite Jest, number book in paper except for bible.

This man my hero and best writer in history of worlds and times
And now in one week I watch 4. 4 televeision movies!! My wife not happy but she never happy, but mostly not happy this week because I spend more time under table in darkness in basement on computer. She always come down and yell on me ‘GET OFF FROM UNDER TABLE GET OFF NOW SO I CAN KILL YOU WITH MY HAND, GET OFF STUPID COMPUTER AND GET OFF FROM UNDER TABLE SO I CAN KILL YOU’ blah blah all this nonsense, while trying to poke me with legs of chair under table like I am rat in sewer or magic man trying to poke pretty woman with knife in box in magic show. No worries, when she do this everuy night, Viktor come and bark HAU HAU HAU and jump to bite her on neck and then she say ‘FUCK THIS’ and go back uyp stairs leaving me to computer. Viktor aloso go back upstairs and go back to sleep peaceful
This Viktor:

So this week I watch Blue Velvet first, then Lost Highway, then Eraserhead, then Mulholland Drive! My Gods, I cannot believe how good this movies are. And Make me think more after finishing, like connect to them, especially Eraserhead (my favourite so far), cos of crazy man I like at table at dinner, and also fucked up sound in background that not stop, and bizarre movie about what having baby must be like.

Blue Vevet, incredible. Some themes of be grotesque and banal, tedious and bizarre, mundane and horrifying. these things simultaenous. But all accurate, things we think about and like in all our lives. DONT TELL ME YOU NOT!!!!
YIPES, and also have you see Mulholland Drive. That woman Watts, Watts the hell!! hahahaha! she looks like my cousin Glorf after he moved to Buylgaria for 3 years, come back looking like God’s worst mistake. and opening scene in Los Angeles. Paradise. everyone smiling everything happy and golden and hope, but reality is not like this, in fact reality and more than anything or same, California and Southern California anaaand seems movie star dreams more fucked up than anything, loooks good, smells good, seems good, but fucked up and lonely and depressing at times, with moments of YES PLEASE sprinkled, but really just =fucked up and wonderful like rest of life.
And oh, now I knw who the dad in Infinite Jest be based on. No doubt.
Next week I watching more David Lynch movies, Nicholas Cage ones and fucked up one filmed in Poland.
So my friends in internet, which David Lynch movie is your favourite? and which one should I to watching nexT?? Smash the like botton, follow me on Facebook and Share this in emails with your work colleagues!!!