If the past is the complete opposite of the future, then if the past is set, that must mean that the future is set in absolutely 0.00000000 ways. There may be a few highly probably things that will happen in your long and short term future, but there is a slight probability that you may be dead by the end of the day.
The future is not set, and the future you think of may actually not even come. so enjoy right now. Because look, that moments already gone. And the future is not set in any way. And any moment, a moment, a phone call, a decision, an accident , or nature itself, can change the future. So maybe it’s enough to be grateful for this moment right now. And now. And this one now. And all the ones from now that you get.
Sidenote: Forget about the part in this song about being rich or pretty, cos the answer to that is gonna be ‘no’