Can you be completely present in every moment? Is that the perfect life? But, if it is, are you sacrificing the joy of building something […]
How likely is it that the things you fear will actually eventuate?
Think about your past… How many things in it happened as expected? How predictable has your life been based on how you thought it would turn […]
Missing the point? + A Deep Dive into: Time [pt.2] – Schopenhauer’s idea that the past, future NOR the present can be enjoyed assumes that the past, present and future are actually things.
Time is that by virtue of which everything becomes nothingness in our hands and loses all real value. Just because my dog Chunky gets excited […]
What is Last Thursdayism?
The past is not an indicator of (and definitely doesn’t prove) the future. But maybe the past doesn’t even prove the past. Our perceptions and […]
If you fear a future might not be the one you want, don’t avoid the thought. Imagine it, picture it in great detail, you might find it’s not so bad or even actually much better than you think.
We often fear the unknown. In fact, maybe most of our fears are about things that might happen. Or maybe not. So if you’re tossing up a […]
‘Thanks for reminding me’ – How our emotions, past experiences, judgements, sentimentality and sense of attachment interfere with understanding and coming to conclusions about the things that matter most. (+ The philosophy of: Nick Bostrom & one of my students)
The problem with the things we don’t want to talk about is exactly that: we don’t want to talk about them. But often, and I […]
It’s possible to change your future… but here are the six foolproof, super successful, 100% guarantee, no problem ways you can change the past.
Anything you do, whether it was a mistake or something you did that wish didn’t happen, here’s all the surefire ways to change the past. […]
Are you suffering because of a future that may not even be bad? Or may even be far greater than you fear? Or may not even happen at all?
If something sucks, or worse, is terrible, do we suffer? Maybe you think yes. Is that situation of suffering definite (at least in your current […]
The Philosophy of: Sarah Connor (in Terminator 2) – There’s no fate but what we make for ourselves.
Your future is decided by you. It isn’t set. Every day, there are hundreds, or thousands of decisions you make in your own mind of […]
The philosophy of Snufkin [pt.6] – Is the only person –and the only moment– that exists this one right now? There’s no past you, no past you, no future you, but only this one right now?
Tomorrow and yesterday were at a distance. – Snufkin There’s a theory that the only real you that exists is the one you are now. […]