We all have a death sentence, we’re all dying. But that isn’t a reason to despair or be bummed out, in fact it’s the opposite. We all have the same fate, that of death. Yet we can choose to rebel against it and make it whatever we want it to be, and be grateful for the so many things that we don’t just do, it’s that we get to do them.
You are lucky enough to be alive, to have opportunity to experience and live the countless amount of things we are lucky to see, to hear, to touch, to feel and to experience throughout the course of a day.
The Idiot
In Dostoyevsky’s The Idiot, he is sentenced to death. And just 3 minutes before he’s blown away by firing squad, he sees things clearly for the first time. He appreciates how the light reflects off a church. It takes being on death row to realise how we are so lucky to enough experience the simplest things – to live.
If you were sentenced to death would you not just wish you could keep on just living, even if it were as a poor beggar? Anyone? Just so you could live?
Well you do. We are all sentenced to death from the moment we’re born, and any poor beggar exists (in much harsher conditions often) than you and I do. You have that life, that existence that the beggar has. You can be an idiot, like Dostoyevsky, and be grateful for even just one thing. And that’s life. And it’s the most valuable thing we get to have. And you’ve got it.
*Unless you’re not alive and are reading this somehow from beyond the grave, in which case I don’t know what to tell ya.