Any shit that you are obliged to spend money on, you probably are doing your head over cos it’s a shit ton of what you’ve […]
What’s up with the feeling of Sunday evening? (& The philosophy of: Henry David Thoreau)
Thoreau had an idea… and that was that every year, in each of all its seasons, mimics the seasons of our own lives… Autumn is […]
Is it possible to be in the midst of your worst case scenario and yet still embrace it? & The Philosophy of: Nietzsche’s Amor Fati and Camus’ Benign Indifference
There is a certain kind of solace and bliss that comes from accepting our fate. The most difficult times may be when we don’t know. […]
Fuck consequences (?) + The Philosophy of: Bernard Black from Black Books
If all significant events in life are transformative, where you can never know or explain what it’s like to have a kid, feel what it’s like […]
NEWS ALERT: IT’S OFFICIAL!! – I don’t have Facebook or anything but I wanted to let everybody who reads this know that I CONTINUE TO BE ALIVE! Now do the same for everyone you know too, every few hours!!
I will repost this several times a day, for as long as that continues to be the case! You should post it the same amount […]
Don’t Act Your Age. – The philosophy of: Bliss n Eso
How old are you? And when you think about it, what is normally expected that people your age are doing in their lives? What should […]
Sigur Ros isn’t the only thing that makes anything you do seem more meaningful. Also, Los Planetas.
No matter what you’re doing (or have to do), if you put Sigur Ros on while you do it, it’ll make whatever it is seem […]
Is a life where you’re totally present in the moment a meaningless one?/The difficulty of living in the present & The Philosophy of: Frida Kahlo [pt.4]
In your life, do you constantly vacillate between thinking about the past, the future, all the while trying to enjoy the moment? Well is it […]
The Absurdity of: You will never truly know how you’re seen by others. + The Philosophy of: Frida Kahlo [pt.3]
Here’s part one and part two of a mini-series on Frida Kahlo; someone who can still teach us a lot on how to live, through her art […]
Do you ever feel alone? Well, you’re not. You never are. And this is why.
Throughout the day… do you think about other people? And spend time thinking of the people in your life you like the most? Even people […]