When someone runs because it’s starts raining, it’s usually because they’re thinking one of these things: ‘Aarrrgh. My ______ ‘s going to get ruined.’ or […]
What the hell are negative ions and why are they good for you?
There’s a reason people in cities are more stressed than those in the country. Or why people in the city look at you like you’re […]
Was Machiavelli a cunt?
There’s this beautiful series of 20 books called ‘Great Ideas’ published by Penguin. These are the two I have: And one of the others in […]
Oh, okay. Yeah, no, now I get it.
Sometimes it takes a while to understand something. Like, when you stay at an Airbnb and they explain the shower to you, that you got […]
You know nothing and neither do I and neither did these guys. And that’s okay.
Spanning over 2300 years, there’s one thing that bound Plato’s Socrates, Henry David Thoreau and Confucius together: They all knew nothing, and they knew it. […]
Kids couldn’t care less about limits
When you’re a kid there’s no limits. You haven’t learnt what is and isn’t impossible yet. Your boundaries haven’t been tainted by what grown-ups have […]
Binding change
Occasionally we hear of customs, practices, laws or traditions that surprise, shock or even sicken us. I’m thinking of things like Japanese whaling, women not […]
How to deal with the most awkward question there is
Ever been in this situation? — How the HOLY GODDAMN HELL do you reply to that question??? ‘What’s up’? or: or just the polite: My friend […]
It’s just a _____. [The philosophy of: Chunky pt.2]
When some thing of ours breaks or gets destroyed, there’s usually two ways to look at it: The first way’s to look at it solely from […]
To be honest
How did some of our language get all twisted around, bent out of shape? And how much of it is based on white lies, politeness, […]