Since it’s halloween, this is another of a Deep Dive into the emotion that dictates most, if not all, our decisions –fear. What do you […]
A Deep Dive into: The (beautifully tragic) absurdity of love songs – A love song isn’t a true love song if it doesn’t contain sadness and longing – The Philosophy of: Nick Cave (& why he thinks Kylie’s Better the Devil You Know is a devastatingly remarkable love song.)
…The love song is never truly happy. It must first embrace the potential for pain. Those songs that speak of love without having within their […]
I hope today goes absolutely wretchedly for you. – A Deep Dive into: The wonderous beauty of Pessimism & The philosophy of: Alain De Botton (on Pessimism)
Any shitty thing that happens in our lives happens not because it is indeed a shitty thing, it only is shitty because of our predetermined lofty expectations of […]
A Deep Dive into: Love [pt.13]: Why playing it cool with someone you think is special is not cool at all.
If you truly think someone is wonderful, that they are a special human person, or that the things they do, how they comport themselves and […]
A Deep Dive into: Freedom – In your entire life, up to this point, when did you feel the most free? + The Philosophy of: Oasis’ Whatever (and the moment when I was)
This is a deep dive into something we want in our personal lives, our relationships (or at least for the other person to understand when […]
A Deep Dive into: The absurdity of knowing (& understanding) other people [pt.2] – How is it possible to know why people do what they do? (& The philosophy of: Charlie Fineman from Reign Over Me)
If someone’s decisions seems odd or completely understandable to you, they’re probably a no-brainer to them. And even if you think you do understand the motivations […]
A Deep Dive into: The absurdity of knowing (& understanding) other people [pt.1] – How is it possible to know what it’s like to be someone, if you can never ever actually ‘be’ them?
Do other people sometimes act weird according to you? And other times is it quite expected? The only thing unites (or divides) you and those […]
A Deep Dive into: Love [pt.7] – The Philosophy of: Being in a relationship
This is a deep dive into the one word that may be more confused or have a greater subjective meaning than any other in the […]
A Deep Dive into: Love [pt.6] – The Philosophy of: Short-term love – Every relationship must end, which is what makes it beautiful (Which do you prefer: plastic flowers or the ones that die?)
‘It was better to burn than to disappear.’ – Meursault (from Camus’ The Outsider) Think back to before you were born… What do you remember? What […]
A Deep Dive into: Love [pt.5] – The Philosophy of: being single (and what the Tao Te Ching’s got to do with it)
This is a deep dive into the one word that may be more confused or have a greater subjective meaning than any other in the […]