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Take the View from Above – You are never as meaningless or important, as smart or as dumb, as talked about or as ignored as you think you are

Anything that is favourable…
anything that isn’t…
anytime you think people are talking about you…
and time you think people don’t give a shit about you…
anytime you think you messed up…
anytime you think you’ve done the greatest thing in the world…
anytime you think you’re smarter than everyone else…
or anytime you think you’re dumber than anyone else…

Take the view from above.

Imagine looking down on yourself, your situation, what you’re worried about what you’re pumping up your own tyres about… from here:

The reality of those things is probably somewhere in the middle. 

You are never as dumb or as smart, as popular or isolated, as interesting or as boring as you seem. You are one of the 7.1 billion somebodies (and nobodies) on that spinning rock in the photo above. Your problems, worries and fears are pretty much just like everyone else’s. So you are alone, but you also never are.

Watch this every day to put it all in further perspective. That you are everything and nothing at the same time