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Rad: 11 Awesome Calendar Dates That Only 90s Kids Would Have Been Totally Clinically Alive For

If you were alive and breathing and not dead or hadn’t yet been born on these dates, you are so a 90s Kid! Bogus!

  1. 4th February, 1997
  2. 21st March, 1994
  3. 23rd March 1994
  4. 17th November 1991
  5. 12th July, 1996
  6. 12th August, 1996
  7. 30th December, 1997
  8. 6th April, 1990
  9. 10th October 1995
  10. 24th September 1999
  11. 1st May, 1994

Wow, Off the charts! Talk to the Hand! Can’t Touch This!