A friend wrote to me today telling me it’s been an ‘interesting’ time for me lately.
Now, you don’t need to know what ‘interesting’ means in this case, but interesting is the right way to put it. There is no good, no bad, no sad, no tough, no difficult things that happen. Everything just is –we exist as part of humanity and nature, and in both of those, there’s no good or bad. Everything just happens as it should. Whether to improve you, bring you joy or steel you for the (often greater) inevitable challenges of the future.
If you change one word, you change your life
So if you ever start to think to yourself, ‘This is hard…’, STOP. And instead think ‘This is easy…’
If you start to think ‘This is impossible’, think ‘This is a challenge’.
If you think, ‘Ah fuck. It’s raining.’ Say, ‘Oh fuck yeah. It’s raining.’
Or if you go to say ‘This is a tough time for me’, say, ‘This is an interesting time for me.’
You might think it’s delusional, but fuck that. AS LONG AS you acknowledge what has happened, try learn from it. If you do, instead of using the common tag for the situation and staying rooted in negativity, change one word and move forward. The events of your life don’t decide your happiness, you, and how you see them do.