Hello, how are you I am fine thank you, and you? I am live in Espain now for 5 years and I like share my brain thinkings […]
Don’t think of a pink monkey. Don’t think of a pink monkey. Don’t think of a pink monkey.
When someone tells you ‘Don’t panic!’ or ‘Don’t get stressed’ or even ‘Don’t worry’, the last thing that your brain hears is: ‘Panic!’, ‘Get stressed’ […]
‘Holy flying fuck, that thing took off.’ โ The Philosophy of SpaceX & Elon Musk [SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy taking off, and its outer cores landing, is god damn incredible and could give you goosebumps (and why)
Why are things like seeing panoramic views of cities (say, from the top of skyscrapers or the Eiffel Tower for example) so appealing and so […]
The Philosophy of: Lucy – Who you are, what you want to be… it’s all obstacles.
All the (created) anxieties around life, like ‘You haveย to find your passion’, you have to be successful, you have to own a house as young […]