If someone’s decisions seems odd or completely understandable to you, they’re probably a no-brainer to them. And even if you think you do understand the motivations […]
A Deep Dive into: The absurdity of knowing (& understanding) other people [pt.1] – How is it possible to know what it’s like to be someone, if you can never ever actually ‘be’ them?
Do other people sometimes act weird according to you? And other times is it quite expected? The only thing unites (or divides) you and those […]
This is how to have a good conversation (and how to have a shitty one)
Here’s how to have a shitty conversation: Talk about how awesome you are, how awesome your life is (at 0:35) how strong you are, how […]
Are you a good listener? The philosophy of: ‘Go On…’, the value of Verbal diarrhoea, and listening without judgement, & The philosophy of: Tao Te Ching [pt.3]
How good a listener are you? Simply be aware of what actually is without giving it names and without judging it, for you are now feeling […]
This is how to make confrontation non-confrontational
Tim Ferriss says that a person’s success in life is measured by the amount of difficult conversations they have (with others, but I’d also say […]
‘More matter, Less art.’ – The philosophy of: William Shakespeare [pt.2]
Here’s the philosophy of: William Shakespeare pt.1 Can you say what you want with only a few words (or even one?) Or even none? Saying what […]
The Philosophy of: Ludwig Wittgenstein – The games of language (pay attention to which one others are playing)
Communication (at least verbal) is incredibly ineffective. For example, when one person says ‘I love you’ it might mean ‘You are the person I enjoy […]