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Does the Sound of Firecrackers Traumatise your Dog and Do Your Fucking Head In? Use the Sliders to Jam a Bunch of The Cunts In Every Fucking Orifice Of Some Fucking Dumb Cunt Who’s Lighting One!

Does the sound of firecrackers going off in the neighbourhood do your fucking head in? And mainly because they make your dog totally freak the fuck out and have traumatised him to the point that you worry that  someday one of the cunts is going to give him a heart attack? Well, if you’re like me and the answer is yes, you’d jump at the chance to find some cunt in the middle of lighting one and then jam a bunch of them in every fucking hole the cunt has, light the match and then enjoy the fucking show. 

And wow, here’s your chance! Use the sliders to horrifically and brutally end some cunt lighting a firecracker with a bunch of fucking firecrackers!



Here’s a dumb cunt now, as you can see continuing to be a dumb fucking cunt by lighting a fucking firecracker. Why?Because bang boom bang bang boom, you know? Cool. Fucking kill the cunt. 


First, use the slider to jam a firecracker in every fucking orifice the motherfucker’s got, in a delicious and horrific act of irony. Yum! Go on, stick one fucking everywhere, don’t be shy! In the eyes, the asshole and don’t forget his cock!


Good work! You’re all set! Just one thing missing now…


You know what to do!

You did it! Fucked the cunt up real good. And Guess what, looks like someone wants to thank you… and maybe even give you a big sloppy kiss! Go you!