Do you ever think of yourself of not having been born? Of course not, right? Because how could you imagine yourself as not been born? You wouldn’t know you hadn’t been born. It’s absurd to think about. Which is also why I don’t think about it. – Inspired by the absurd but brilliant philosophy (and wisdom) of: Rosencrantz and Guildernstern [pt.2]

This is part 2 of the absurdist but brilliant philosophy of Rosencrantz and Guildernstern… here’s part 1. All the medical progress that’s been made over […]

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Do you ever think of yourself as dead, lying in a box? Would you rather be dead lying in a box, or alive and in a box? Well, for one, if you choose dead in a box, you won’t even know what you’ve chosen, since you’re dead. Oh, and is life in a box better than no life at all? – The Philosophy of: Rosencrantz & Guilderstern (On the Absurdity of: Death, and our futile attempt to understand it)

We don’t understand death. It confuses the shit out of us. And by the very definition of life, in which it can not co-exist with […]

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