Our rational nature moves freely forward in its impressions when it: 1. Accepts nothing false or uncertain; 2. Directs its impulses only to acts for […]
Think of your #1 goal or dream… What if you did it? Or what if you never did? What are the potential benefits of going for it vs. the potential costs of not? & The philosophy of: Tim Ferriss’ Fear Setting (and what Stoicism –and this cow–’s got to do with it)
What’s your dream? Or your greatest goal? What’s the one thing that most wish for, want or would love to give a go? Well, if […]
(I’m going to try prove) The Philosophy of: Massimo Pigliucci (wrong. Or right)
This is one of the things that Massimo Pigluicci’s about: And in his article, “How to Live (Like a Stoic)” in the latest issue of New Philosopher […]