I asked my class today ‘What are Humanity’s greatest accomplishments/achievements?’ And one of the answers that came back back was: Happiness. Whether we have achieved/accomplished this […]
Is the right answer or the right decision (for you) your instinctual first thought? (Inspired by one of my students)
When you’re asked something, or you need to make a decision, is the one that’s truly the best for you, based on your understanding of […]
Who are you? (Inspired by a student I teach. Which they asked me too.)
That’s it. Ask yourself: ‘Who am I?’ Ever done it? Think about it.
The philosophy of: my microwave and oven after a blackout last night, my favourite time (who-gives-a-fuck o’clock) & another student of mine inspires me
There was a blackout where I live last night. Which was excellent for 2 reasons –one, because a blackout limits your options of what you […]