Hello, how are you I am fine thank you, and you? I am live in Espain now for 5 years and I like share my brain thinkings […]
The Philosophy of: Lucy [pt.2] – If the first living organism passed on genetic information to its offspring, and that passed down information to its, then that passed it down to its and… ###FAST FORWARD x AMOUNT OF GENERATIONS TILL YOU GET TO US### …then you never really die.
‘We Never Really Die’ *(go to 1:35) When the first single cell organism, the prokaryote, began to exist, it learned about its environment. It survived, […]
The Philosophy of: Lucy – Who you are, what you want to be… it’s all obstacles.
All the (created) anxieties around life, like ‘You haveย to find your passion’, you have to be successful, you have to own a house as young […]