It’s Russia Week: What A Slip-Up: Saint Petersburg’s Moskovsky Station Just Released A New Ad Campaign Using Tolstoy’s Fictional Character Anna Karenina To Promote The Idea That Great Things Like Finding True Love Can Happen To You At The Station, But They Clearly Forgot To Read To The End Of The Book Where She Decides To Lie Down Under One Of The Trains And Get Her Skull Flattened

With only days remaining to the release of the next Adventure Ahoy, You’re In Moscow. Can you Have a Nice Time?, let’s take a look back at […]

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What A Slip-Up: Saint Petersburg’s Moskovsky Station Just Released A New Ad Campaign Using Tolstoy’s Fictional Character Anna Karenina To Promote The Idea That Great Things Like Finding True Love Can Happen To You At The Station, But They Clearly Forgot To Read To The End Of The Book Where She Decides To Lie Down Under One Of The Trains And Get Her Skull Flattened

Yikes! Someone didn’t do their homework! The team behind Saint Petersburg’s Moskovsky station have just released a new ad campaign highlighting the fact that if […]

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