We’ve all heard the famous words, That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for Mankind, but when Neil Armstrong stepped out of Apollo 11 […]
It sucks to live on the other side of the world of people you care about, because you can’t ever share any experiences, right? Wrong. Every 105 or so years you can.
There’s one thing that connects you to every other person, everyone you care about, no matter where they are around the world. And that’s the […]
Our search for alien life might not only be misguided and pointless but also arrogant and egomaniacal, and therefore dumb (is biological life the supreme form of existence?).
In the intro to the ‘Alien Contact’ event at next month’s World Science Festival in Brisbane it says: Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life…NASA […]
‘Holy flying fuck, that thing took off.’ – The Philosophy of SpaceX & Elon Musk [SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy taking off, and its outer cores landing, is god damn incredible and could give you goosebumps (and why)
Why are things like seeing panoramic views of cities (say, from the top of skyscrapers or the Eiffel Tower for example) so appealing and so […]
Everything in billions of years of evolution, and everyone and everything you care about is the size of that (sort of) dot on my hand. You’re welcome.
Step 1 – Get a pen: Step 2 – Make a dot: Step 3 – Use your eyeball sockets and specifically your eyeball balls to […]
Everything and everyone ever you know of is nothing more than a tiny pale blue dot
If you drop your phone and the screen breaks, or you have to pay a late fee on your credit card repayment, your car breaks […]
How to time-travel on $0.00 a day
I’ve said it before and I’ll say one more time right up in here right here right now: travelling through time is god damn freaking hard. And […]