What do you find’s most sexy and attractive in someone? The physical things you can see? Or the intangible things, and mostly their mind?
This is why I now believe in horoscopes (or at least The Onion horoscopes) & The Philosophy of: Michel De Montaigne
I don’t believe in horoscopes, but from today I might (a bit). I had been thinking in the morning about what relevance studying, learning, reading […]
A Deep Dive into: AI [pt.4] – The formula: Humans making huge inroads in AI + AI can learn at a much faster rate than we can + We understand barely anything about the brain + AI doesn’t give a fuck about emotion or sympathy = Get ready for the most ironic and awkward thing in the history of the universe ever (& the Philosophy of: Funnybot)
As humans we’ve pretty much run our course. We’ve been going thousands of years to make advances in weapons, agriculture, engineering, all to build up […]
A Deep Dive into: AI [pt.3] – Humans are limited by their ability to process and transfer information but also by our inability to accept information we’ve heard billions and billions and billions and billions of times, over and over and over. And the (interesting, but NOT NEW AT ALL) philosophy of: Salu
I’m not a robot. But the limitations of the things that make us human, seem to far outweigh those that AI already has (and will […]
Am I full of shit? – If you think you’re right about something, find someone to challenge you. You’ll see if you’re actually on to something, or just full of it [+ how Socrates approached this]
In Plato’s Theaetetus, Thedourus and Socrates debate what it is to ‘know’ or ‘perceive’ something. And Socrates being the annoying (but excellently annoying) bloke he was, […]
Missing the point #5: Our understanding of death – what are we on about? We’ve got no idea. (+ Neil Strauss on statues and commerative days)
Humans understand a bunch of shit. We can split the atom, build the Large Hadron Collider and launch and then land a rocket back on Earth. But there’s […]
Was Socrates taking the piss? [pt.2] – Does saying ‘There’s only one thing I know – that I know nothing’ actually mean you’re saying you know TWO things?
This is something my girlfriend suggested to me after yesterday’s post on the better way to approach knowledge and whether Socrates was taking the piss. […]
Was Socrates taking the piss when he said this? Isn’t saying ‘I don’t know anything’ still a form of knowing something? Instead of ‘I don’t know anything’, would it not have been more accurate to say ‘Do I know anything?’?
This is something that my mate Matt said the other day… If Socrates was the wisest bloke human guy there ever was, and he used […]