The term ‘selfish’ is most, if not all the time, used in a pejorative way. It’s rare for someone to say, ‘He’s such a good […]
What was [Juliet] on about? – The insignificance of name, country of origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, skin colour or family
There are (at least) 3 things that you’re born with that you are part of who you are now, that you had no control over: […]
A Deep Dive into: Why we have kids [pt.4] – The Philosophy of: Ricky Gervais – There’s no box of ghost children waiting to be released (or is there?)
Have you looked around lately? Go on… walk around in town during a busy shopping day… or go out on a Saturday night… tell me […]
The Philosophy of: Falcão & The Octopods in The Arrival – Many become One. (Another student of mine inspires me)
What do we actually need? Well, this song, and specifically Soja, have an idea of what… And thanks to one of my students, Marcela who translated […]
A Deep Dive into: AI [pt.10] – Humans: The ants of the future?
You know the ants walking around doing their thing in parks, yards, fields all over the place, right… do they bother you? Most likely no. […]
Our search for alien life might not only be misguided and pointless but also arrogant and egomaniacal, and therefore dumb (is biological life the supreme form of existence?).
In the intro to the ‘Alien Contact’ event at next month’s World Science Festival in Brisbane it says: Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life…NASA […]
A Deep Dive into: The Future of Humanity (and kids) – If humans aren’t in any impending danger of losing our position as the dominant* species on earth, why do we make more kids? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial for the future of humanity to focus on helping the already alive ones who don’t have parents –or more importantly– positive guidance and support?
This is part 2 in a Deep Dive into why we have kids. Here’s part 1. –———————————- * The word ‘dominant’ in the title of […]
A Deep Dive into: Humanity [pt.1] – Are humans the only ones who feel so connected to–and such empathy for–other species?
We can feel so much compassion and connection to other animals. Whether they’re dogs, cats, gerbels, or a small used jar with a spider in […]